Which Mesh Tarps Are The Best For Your Truck?

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Which Mesh Tarps Are The Best For Your Truck?

Tarping solutions are largely known for offering different levels of load protection and containment. With various tarps ideal for different load types, mesh tarps are best known to contain even fine load particles while offering breathability allowing the tarp to lie flat on the load. 

Mesh tarps are commonly used for construction and municipal dump trucks. 

If you’re considering mesh tarps for your truck and want to learn more about their use cases, manufacturing, types, and other related features, here’s an extensive guide to enlighten you! 

What Are Mesh Tarps? 

Mesh tarp is a type of tarp made from woven mesh fabric where thick polyethylene threads are used to manufacture them. 

Mesh tarps are ideal for trucks hauling aggregates including stone, gravel or fine sand. 

The mesh screen design of the fabric also diffuses the wind’s strength and speed so the tarp stays flat against the load. 

Uses of Mesh Tarps 

Mesh tarps are often specially designed and fabricated for mechanized tarp systems for trucking. 

Which Tarp Is Best For Your Situation? 

Different types of tarps, including mesh tarps, offer various and specific benefits due to their unique specification and features. 

Let’s find out different types of tarp fabrics and what they are ideally used for:   

Premium Mesh Tarps 

Premium Mesh tarps are the best type for truck tarps in general construction and aggregate hauling. 

They not only cover and contain your material on a job site but do the same in transit while trucking the loads. 

These tarps are ideal for carrying loose materials like stone, gravel, sand, plant debris, etc. 

Heavy Duty Mesh Tarps 

Heavy duty mesh tarps is a heavier fabric with a closer weave to help drivers or companies that need more coverage to contain loads during transport. 

These mesh truck tarps are made of high-tensile strength and durable materials containing hems and stitched ones. You can trust these tarps to withstand harsh climate conditions like snow, heavy rain, or wind. 

Super Tough Mesh Tarps

Super Tough Mesh tarps feature a specific fabric weave especially designed to contain waste and recycling load types that are more demanding and often too harsh for industry standard mesh weaves. 

Mesh Tarps 

Mesh tarps are available in a versatile range with different sizing options. These mesh products are available for customization, where you can tailor them to unique dimensions or special features depending on the situation. 

Want to learn more types of tarps? 

Read Here:What Are the Most Popular Types Of Tarps? 


Brent Fannin

National Sales Manager, Construction and Municipal 

Brent has extensive trucking industry experience including years of hands-on experience involving truck equipment applications.